Friday, January 6, 2012


Thanks to Darwin Barton

I used my clear internet connection to go to the “Today Show” website and find a product that I saw highlighted on the show. Savannah, one of the hosts, interviewed two sisters that had created a business called Bocces Biscuits. The sisters had left high paying jobs in engineering and managerial retail to start their own business selling dog biscuits. They are gourmet doggie treats that are in flavors like macaroni and cheese and peanut butter and jelly. The most sophisticated sounding biscuit is Truffle-oil flavored doggie treats. The sisters have a website where you can order the biscuits and also have created New York’s first mobile doggie treat bike. You can find the vendors riding around Central Park. While you are walking your dog, you can stop and get your little pooch a treat, just like if you were going to stop by the hotdog vendor or the ice cream truck. It is such a great idea. I am ordering my dog some biscuits on-line for Christmas! I just haven’t decided which flavors!

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